Most workers prefer to maintain their current work environment, whether in-person or remote: Yoh survey


A majority of Americans would prefer to retain their current working environment, according to a survey by Yoh. Those working 100% remotely would prefer to stay remote, those in hybrid working environments prefer the flexibility of in-person and remote work, and those who work 100% in-person want to remain in an in-person setting.

The survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Yoh and included 900 Americans adults who are employed full-time or part-time.

The survey found that among the people who currently work remotely 100% of the time, 62% prefer to remain fully remote while 32% prefer a hybrid working model, and 6% wish to work fully in person.

In contrast to this, of those who work in a hybrid environment, 54% prefer to remain the same, while 30% prefer to work fully remote and 16% prefer working fully in person.

On the other hand, the ones who work in-person 100% of the time, 42% prefer to remain that way, while 30% prefer the hybrid model and 28% prefer a 100% remote working model.

“If these results show us anything it’s that employers shouldn’t assume they know what employees want and should instead offer a variety of work structures that allow workers to choose the model that’s best for them,” Yoh President Emmett McGrath said.