Training Videos in the Spotlight

staffing Technology

Video content is an increasingly popular way to deliver engaging training content for businesses during recruitment and onboarding. A major driver is the move to hybrid and remote working; video works equally well whether the person is across the office or across the globe. It’s also far more engaging than reading a lengthy text. In fact, data shows that employees are 75% more likely to watch a video than read a document or online article.

If they aren’t already, staffing firms should consider how they can use video to help support potential candidates, either before an interview or as part of the onboarding process when they secure a new role. Here’s everything they need to know.

Bringing Topics Into Focus

As a video production company, we have seen a rising number of companies looking to create video content. Some are looking to educate their new and current employees on changes to the organization, while others want to produce step-by-step guides on how to use particular equipment and software. A banking client, for example, used video content to explain changes in legislation that would affect the advice they would offer customers, while a clothing brand used video to communicate the findings of new customer research.

One great opportunity for staffing firms is producing eye-catching video content that explains the full recruitment or onboarding process to candidates. By producing videos that coach candidates through each stage of their recruitment and onboarding journey, staffing firms can free teams from repetitive administrative tasks and give them more time to focus on higher-value projects. Considering that 69% of new employees are more likely to stay if onboarded well, this is absolutely a worthwhile investment.

Why video?

One of the main benefits of video is scalability. Coordination is always challenging, no matter how good a training seminar is. However, on-demand videos can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and by as many potential candidates or new employees as necessary. This scalability generates significant savings for the company, both in time and resources, offsetting the initial financial investment over time.

Staffing firms often support companies with onboarding new employees using a training schedule – but what if a new employee is ill or has had a rough night’s sleep? In a large company, where many new team members are being onboarded at the same time, these sessions may be difficult to reschedule. Unfortunately, then, unless the session is recorded, the individual may miss the important information. By using pre-recorded, on-demand video content instead, a business can deliver important onboarding information more flexibly. Employees can also watch the content as often as they want, learning at their own pace.

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Clients often tell us how they want to see more videos featured in e-learning material because video feels more personal. They explain that they love the authenticity of video and the way that a face and personality can bring to life concepts that might otherwise be quite dull. Video can also be a real brand statement, featuring team members, slogans and color schemes to create a strong impression.

We have also worked with clients who chose video because they felt it was the best way to explain complex concepts. To achieve this, we use animations to help illustrate the content of the syllabus in a vivid, engaging way. And the data shows that this approach gets results — people only tend to remember 20% of what they read but retain 80% of what they see.

For this reason, video is also ideal for upskilling and reskilling employees. Many businesses then test employees on the information explained in the video to ensure that they have fully understood it.

Worth the Price of Admission

Video enables a recruiter to effectively guide candidates through the recruitment process, steer them smoothly through onboarding and equip them with entirely new skills. It is a time and energy saver, and it makes a much deeper and longer-lasting impact than other types of content. Video is also a reusable asset — once it’s paid for, it can be used as many times as required and for as long as it’s needed. In other words, it’s well worth the investment.