What new content is on SocialTalent this week?


We’re pretty proud of our library of content at SocialTalent. In it, you can find learning content specific to your role, need, skill set or goal – it’s pretty comprehensive! That said, recruitment, talent acquisition and human resources are industries which are constantly evolving. While much of our library is evergreen, we also are continuously on the lookout for new content that will help you have the skills you need to be effective in your job.

Besides constantly updating our existing content, every two weeks we add fresh new content to the platform. Here’s what was added this week.

Early Careers Hiring – What You Need To Know
With Johnny Campbell, Moia Rowsome and Martin Edmonson (Gradcore)

Developing graduate and early careers programmes at your organisation can seem like a hefty task. But done right, it’s extremely worthwhile.

Early career professionals bring so much to your business in terms of new perspectives, diversity of thought and general enthusiasm. Being open minded about who you are recruiting for these programmes can lead to acquiring a hugely diverse and creative cohort to your business. The best way to do it? Partner with universities to devise ways to connect academia and curriculum to real world skills that are required in the work place. Make your organisation more attractive and relevant to the young professional, so you can get the most out of their fresh skills.

In this mission, Johnny and Moia from SocialTalent join Martin Edmonson from Gradcore to find out how to make young professionals “employable”, not just “recruitable”. It’s not just about having their CV ready to go – it’s about making them ready for work and life! They also address the more-than-ever relevant concept of virtual hiring, and what that can bring to your business.

Would you like to find out more about how SocialTalent can help you and your hiring teams achieve their goals? Maybe you’re curious about what content we are working on at the minute? Or maybe… you just want to say hi! Either way, we’re happy to chat with you. Get in touch with us today!

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