How to source on the lesser known sites!! Speakerhub


Speakerhub is a site that helps speakers, trainer, and moderators be found by conference

Organizers and event managers. Now obviously if they are speakers, trainers or moderators they

must know the subject really really well. In most cases if they are speakers, they are recognized

experts and there for targets to be recruited. Speakerhub is a little-known site and few have tried to

source in it. Well to do this without worry you need go no further than into your bag of tricks and

pull out an old tried and true tool, called x-raying.


So, to source within Speakerhub you simply need to create an x-ray string, like the one below. (“Java” AROUND * “bio”)


If you run the strings above in google you will get the results below.

Now keep in mind you will see some great info; all you need to do is put on your Social detective hat and away you go.


If you need more info on X-raying see my blog post


Until next week may the source be with you!!