New research: Candidate Behaviour Report launched!


It’s been a long time since I last posted – but today seemed like a good day to begin typing again.

We (Hireserve) have just launched a brand new piece of research: Candidate Behaviour: The Big Report.

Created in partnership with Monster, and aiming to be the most comprehensive report on candidate behaviour and sentiment in the industry, we explore each stage of the hiring process. From pre-application research to video interviews, we asked jobseekers across the country to tell us what they think, feel throughout their journey.

If you’re keen to learn more about your candidates and their actions, you can access your free report right here.

You’ll get reams of stats about how your candidates approach job-seeking and their attitudes towards technology, interview feedback and more.

Crucially, we’ve backed up each insight with actionable ideas and recommendations for how you can continue to improve your hiring process.

Included in the report:

  • The biggest turn offs for prospective candidates
  • How candidates research and make decisions about potential employers
  • Candidate attitudes to working post Covid-19
  • And, of course, what you can do about it all

Access your copy today! Candidate Behaviour: The Big Report

I do hope you find Candidate Behaviour: The Big Report a valuable piece of research.  If you have any ideas for what we should ask next time (roll on The Big Report 2022!), please let me know in the comments below!