The P.A.R.T.S. Interview Method

United States

The P.A.R.T.S. method is a structured way of responding to not only behavioral based questions but all interview questions by breaking down the question into individual parts and addressing each one in your question or answer.

 P (Problem, Deliverable, Issue)

  • What was the challenge at hand?   
  • Did you work on a team or on your own? 

A (Action, Accountability)   

  • What was your role on the team?   
  • What were you accountable for delivering?  

R (Result) 

  • What was the result of your steps taken?
  • What could you have done differently?

T (Timing, Long/Short Term)

  • What were the time parameters or dead line for the project?
  • How much time did you have to complete your deliverables?

S (Systems)

  • What systems did you utilize for your project?
  • What systems are you most comfortable using?