8 Critical Ways To Ensure Inclusive and Accessible Hiring And Recruiting

DEI leadership Recruiting staffing Tips

Part of the impact of globalization is a society that is more aware of the effects of negative bias and discrimination. As such, organizations must focus on inclusion in their recruitment and hiring processes to remain competitive and attract new talent. An inclusive hiring process recognizes and embraces diversity and the range of qualities and perspectives of candidates.

Why Is Inclusive Hiring Critical?

Besides being a legal requirement, inclusive hiring is critical in strengthening a company’s reputation and making it competitive. By creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, mirroring your customer base, you will support your brand as one caring for diversity and inclusion. In the long term, these practices will support your organization by enabling access to global talent.

8 Steps for Inclusive and Accessible Hiring and Recruiting

Here are eight ways your company can embrace several practices to make hiring and recruiting inclusive and accessible.

Make inclusion part of your hiring strategy. Inclusion should be a well-thought-out and defined part of your strategy for a sustainable change in your hiring process. Consider the barriers in your process and how to attract more people with disabilities, and be sure to reassess your strategy often to ensure you are up to date with the best market practices.

Recruit people with disabilities. Employers attribute the lack of disabled people in their organizations to not knowing where to get them. You can access diversity by partnering with organizations focused on these groups and recruitment platforms.

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Make your job descriptions inclusive. An inclusive job description comprises inclusive language without gender-based language and industry jargon. The job title should not indicate your gender preference but focus on the job. Brief paragraphs with short sentences and readable font are also advisable, emphasizing the responsibilities rather than requirements.

Make job announcements accessible. Most job seekers rely on print ads, boot camps, job fairs and social networks to access new opportunities. Utilizing these opportunities opens up the chances of recruiting and hiring a diverse population. You should also opt for an accessibility audit for your website to ensure that nothing will prevent people with disabilities from applying for jobs.

Here are other ways your job announcement will pass the accessibility checks:

  • Use an easy-to-read font.
  • Be clear that you have an equal opportunities policy.
  • Provide contact details of someone applicants can reach out for more details.
  • Offer alternatives for application forms.
  • Use language that is inclusive and states your workplace efforts to offer inclusion and diversity.
  • Use dyslexia-friendly fonts and diverse content like downloadable information sheets and videos.
  • Provide closed captions and transcripts.

Be clear you’re open to people with disabilities. Showing you actively want to employ people with disabilities will encourage more persons to apply for the job and be comfortable enough to advocate for their needs from the word go. Therefore, include this group of people in your diversity statement and create and share stories of similar employees in your organization through your platforms.

Design interviews with accessibility in mind. Think about accommodations in advance before your candidates even need to request them. For example, consider a sign language interpreter and give your candidates adequate time to settle in for the interview.

Ensure a competitive offer. Like any other person, specially-abled persons have dependents, and giving an attractive package will make them interested and more likely to take up the job. While they may experience limitations in their daily work, do not use this as an excuse to pay them any less.

Offer remote interviews and work. One of the ways to remove barriers is offering remote interviews, as your candidate will operate from an environment they are comfortable with and in a way that does not highlight their disability unless they wish to. By communicating the interview will be virtual on the advert and letting your applicants know that you will provide virtual accommodations for work, you may get more candidates.