How To Boost Sales With A Product Catalog

Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

How To Boost Sales With A Product Catalog

  • 19 Apr 2022
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    Every company wants sales and revenue at the end of the day. They all want to sell as much as they can, but how do you do it? Even in the age of the internet, the product catalog still does well.

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  • Below are several tips for making a product catalog more productive and increasing your company’s sales.

    Create the Best Cover

    When you assemble and print your product catalog, you must be sure the front cover has an ideal, attractive, and professional design. Remember, the cover is the first thing the consumer sees. So, the front cover plays a vital role in whether the catalog will be opened and used.

    As you consider cover design, attempt to put yourself in the prospect’s shoes. What would make YOU read through a catalog?

    Is it a punchy headline, bold cover colors, or detailed, crisp product pictures? For many people, it’s a combination of visuals and text.

    The most critical design aspect for the cover is probably identifying the brand. If the design does its job, consumers will connect the catalog to the brand in seconds.

    Thus, you should always use a consistent brand logo, fonts, colors, and style of photography that is used in all your marketing pieces.

    Pictures Are Everything

    The best product catalogs are visual masterpieces. They allow the consumer to page through without effort and they are always tempted to buy.

    Great photography supports this essential experience. Be sure your team uses the best possible digital photos. Other than design, focus the most time on high-quality product photos.

    Remember White Space

    Putting too many products and text will tire the reader’s eyes and encourage them to take a break. We don’t want that. Using a lot of white space lets the reader rest their eyes and puts more focus on each product on the page.

    Understand Your Audience

    Next, remember the type of customer you seek with the product catalog. For example, printing a B2B catalog for computer hardware suppliers must feature detailed, accurate technical information. The catalog will be very different from what you would produce for selling clothes to millennials.

    Understanding who the audience is for the catalog will help you finetune its image, language, colors, layout, and general design. In addition, when customers who go through the catalog see what they want, phone calls and sales are certain to increase.

    Sell New Products

    Consumers are always interested in what’s new in your product catalog. So, consider putting new, best-selling, or more profitable products on the cover. Also, indicate that a new product just arrived or was just released in the photos.

    You also can put a discount on new products to encourage sales. Placing a symbol, such as a highlight or a starburst on the product picture, will help show it’s unique.

    Keep Your Focus

    Most product catalogs usually have 8 or more pages with 4-page increments. Therefore, this should be top of mind when deciding the number of products you include in the product catalog.

    When your team decides how many pages are in the catalog, think about how the consumer will look at the number of products per page overall. Having too many product lines can overwhelm the consumer, and they won’t buy.

    Assembling an effective, high-quality catalog is a complex process. However, you can be sure the product catalog you produce will increase your brand presence and sales when you follow these rules.