How Women and Women-Led Businesses are Shaping Industries

Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

How Women and Women-Led Businesses are Shaping Industries

  • 12 Jun 2020
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    According to Business Wire, women-helmed companies employ almost 9.4 million employees and generated almost $1.9 trillion of revenue since 2018

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  • The numbers don’t lie. Women-owned business enterprises now represent almost half of all business and continue to drive the economy. According to Business Wire, women-helmed companies employ almost 9.4 million employees and generated almost $1.9 trillion of revenue since 2018. While there are still plenty of uphill battles to climb in many work environments, female representation continues to trend upward in many industries that were once dominated by men. Here are some industries that are increasingly shaped by a growing number of women.

    Business and Corporate Management

    According to a survey conducted by The Peterson Institute for International Economics that involved almost 22,000 firms from over 90 countries, companies that employed women in senior and upper management saw increased net profits. Many of Fortune’s most admired companies employed more women in meaningful leadership roles. Although there’s a lot more work to do when it comes to female representation in business management, there’s evidence that the world is moving in a positive direction when it comes to establishing female future business leaders

    Technology and Computer-Related Industries

    The growth and spread of the Internet and other computer-related technological fields make the tech industry one of the hottest fields. This field still continues to outgrow many other fields and female leadership has increased by 27%. Technological companies tend to be at the forefront of progressiveness and forward-thinking and many of these businesses value the inclusion of underrepresented groups, especially women. Areas such as leadership, business development, strategy and project management, in particular, boast growing numbers of women in key roles. Tech jobs offer some of the highest median salaries, especially for those with formal education, training and professional certifications which are in high demand.

    Architecture, Engineering and Construction

    The architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry has seen tremendous growth in the number of women in leadership roles. Between the private sector and public infrastructure, the number of women working in fields related to the built environment continues to grow. From the planning to the design and construction of buildings, bridges, roads, water pipelines and public transit, careers in the AEC industry continue to show promise. On the private side of this industry, architects, engineers, contractors and project managers manage the design and build out of new facilities. Meanwhile, in the public sector, owner’s representatives administer and procure contracts for professional services to plan, design and contract for vertical and horizontal construction projects. Green initiatives such as sustainability and renewable energy are increasingly important focuses in the AEC industry and women are leading the charge.


    As healthcare continues to evolve to meet the needs of a changing world, it still remains a strong industry for female representation. Of over 120 countries sampled, 67 percent of the workforce in healthcare and social services is made of women. The overwhelming majority of registered nurses in the United States is women. 60.6% of physicians under the age of 35 are female, and this is part of an ongoing trend in the healthcare business. Population growth and trends in public health, virology and epidemiology put trained medical professionals in high demand all over the world.

    Film, Television and Music

    Women continue to make progress when it comes to inclusion and representation in the entertainment industry. Audiences and listeners continue to push for original content created by and with people from various demographics, and women are no exception. There has been an appreciable increase in the visibility and popularity of female directors, producers and creative executives in film, television, music and other media. From big studios and record labels to independent content creators, women continue to take their rightful space in areas that were once men-only clubs. The increase in available platforms for original content expands opportunities for talent in front of and behind the camera and/or recording glass. Streaming video sites and social media platforms provide opportunities for creative women to broadcast and distribute their creations. 

    Sisters doing it for themselves may have once been lyrics to a catchy song, but the reality is that women are continuing to blaze new trails in male-dominated fields and businesses. From old professions such as architecture to cutting-edge startups in technology, it’s becoming less of a man’s world. Women continue to smash boundaries and challenge not only what’s possible, but what’s probable as well.