Nearshoring Done Right: Do’s and Don’ts

International staffing Talent Management and Recruiting

In my last post, I explained the concepts of outsourcing, offshoring and how nearshoring benefits a company. Like everything, though, nearshore outsourcing needs to be done the right way in order to reap the benefits. Here, I list the do’s and don’ts of nearshoring:


  • Have the right communication tools in place.
  • Define your process, goals, policies, and expectations.
  • Train your remote team and invest time in them; it is well worth it. The better you define your policies and process, the easier will be to train your remote team.
  • Manage your remote team yourself. Remember, even do they are in another country, they are part of your team.
  • Video conference with your remote team.
  • Invest time in choosing the best firm to help you with your offshore staffing needs. Choose your offshore or nearshore firm the same way you would choose a business partner. Make sure they share your working culture and values.
  • Make your team feel part of your company. These are not virtual employees; they are part of your staff and company.


  • Don’t nearshore if you don’t have time to train your remote team.
  • Don’t sacrifice quality for cost; keep the level of quality that your business demands.
  • Don’t nearshore or offshore your core business unless you have a team leader in place.
  • Don’t nearshore without a growth plan; this way, you can plan how to hire and grow your remote team.
  • Don’t delegate employee selection. Make sure your hiring process is included in their hiring process and that you or your team interview the candidates.

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If you want to scale with nearshoring, make sure it is the right time to do so. Ensure they will have work to do, and work with them exactly how you work with your on-site team. Nearshoring is something any small business or startup should consider when it is time to scale. In the current global and competitive economy, nearshore staffing will allow businesses to have a bigger and better team with the same budget and competitive customer savings.

I have seen many small businesses try nearshore staffing, eventually nearshoring full departments after learning how easy and beneficial it can be. I have seen startups who were able to scale and comply with their customers’ demands by using nearshore staffing, and I’ve also seen businesses who were generating good margins grow their margins even further by using nearshore staffing. This practice is available to all business sizes. I recommend that all businesses explore the possibility of getting talent in other countries, especially if you are a small business with a limited budget. You can start with one remote staff member to get the feel of the process and make improvements along the way. Once you are entirely comfortable, you can easily scale your remote team with your offshore or nearshore staff provider’s help.

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