New content released on SocialTalent


The world of hiring and talent management constantly ebbs and flows. Trying to keep your finger on the pulse can seem a bit daunting. But that’s where SocialTalent has your back. We make it our goal to keep content updated and fresh. Every two weeks we release new courses and missions to our extensive platform. Our library of expert learning is constantly growing. Here’s what you have to look forward to this week

Practical sourcing lab – Non-technical role example with José Kadlec

Following on from José Kadlec’s previous sourcing lab for technical roles, he’s back to demonstrate another end-to-end sourcing process, but this time for a non-technical position. You’ll learn how to apply these techniques, and the Talent Sourcing Checklist which he provides, to your future sourcing assignments.

To start, you will use the Talent Sourcing Checklist to methodically analyse the requisition you’re sourcing for and build a comprehensive (and accurate) search string. As you work your way through this checklist, José will show you how to apply your search string to different platforms, like LinkedIn and Twitter. The goal is to find the right talent to add to your long-list.


José will also be a guest of Johnny’s on an upcoming episode of our weekly show The Shortlist, so make sure you look out for that as well! 


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