Reducing time to hire is top of mind for talent acquisition professionals, search results show


Reducing time to hire was top of mind for talent acquisition professionals when it comes to searching for technology products.

AMS Verified, a platform that provides professional analysis of talent technology, reported this week that 72% of its members searched for technology to reduce time to hire, making it the top-ranked search on the platform. It was followed by searches on increasing quality of hire, 66%, and increasing candidate satisfaction, 50%.

AMS noted the types of searches being made point to continued tightness in the labor market.

“With record vacancies facing a significantly smaller workforce, the competition for talent remains fierce,” said Nicky Hancock, managing director, Americas region, at AMS. “This is reflected in the technology that talent professionals are looking for to help them fill open roles.”

The data is taken from anonymized data from more than 150 talent acquisition professionals.

AMS Verified was launched in October 2022.