Stay until the end of HR Tech for the strongest lineup ever

HR Tech Conference news HR Tech Conference speakers HR Technology HRE experts shared Steve Boese column

As the HR technology market has grown remarkably in size and valuation over the last decade, the HR Technology Conference has expanded as well. Long-time attendees and industry watchers will recall that our original schedule was “only” from Wednesday morning until mid-day Friday.

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It was still a big event, but thanks to factors like the creation of the Women in HR Tech Summit, the growth of our attendance, increased demand for more high-value content and the desire for more time with exhibitors, HR Tech has now become “HR Tech Week”—with official events running from Monday morning until our final sessions on Friday.

With such a busy schedule of events and the challenge of being away from the office for the better part of a full week, it’s understandable that many attendees take their leave from HR Tech just a little before the official end of the conference. After all, spend a few days (and nights) in Las Vegas, and by the end of the week, you’d be forgiven for wanting (or needing) to check out and head home!

But I’d make a pitch for anyone attending HR Tech, or for anyone still considering making the trip, to plan on attending through the full slate of events—concluding with what I consider to be the strongest lineup of content and thought leader experts we’ve ever had for HR Tech’s closing day.

Here is what is on tap for Friday, Oct. 13, at HR Tech:

Key Findings from the Industry’s Most Comprehensive Study: The 26th Annual HR Systems Survey

It’s the most anticipated presentation of the year: the unveiling of key findings from the 26th Annual HR Systems Survey, conducted by Sapient Insights Group. Hear from Sapient’s Stacey Harris about the top HR technology investments for 2024 and understand how those investments are yielding business outcomes.

Transformation That Works for the Organization

Brian Sommer

HR industry analyst and consultant Brian Sommer steps through the effort required to get real change done in an organization. He’ll share the practical methods you’ll want to follow to bring to fruition the new capabilities and outcomes that your HR (and enterprise) organization deserves. This session will help you make actionable all the things that you heard and saw in the week of HR Tech.

Transatlantic Transformations: European HR Tech Trends that U.S. Leaders Can’t Ignore

Leading European analysts Mervyn Dinnen and Matt Alder will guide you through the European HR technology landscape, describing the key trends, challenges and opportunities shaping business across the Atlantic. With their practical insights and strategies, U.S. HR leaders with operations globally will gain the knowledge needed to integrate with, and operate within, Europe’s HR framework.

Digital You: Thriving in Today’s World

Jess Von Bank

Wrap up your week at HR Tech with a session from Mercer|Leapgen’s Jason Averbook and Jess Von Bank that is designed to be a shared journey through the vibrant, rapidly evolving digital landscape. This session will inspire and equip you to rise above the challenges of constant change and find new ways of thinking that will drive success.

I think you will agree that this group of thought leaders and topics could be the conference’s opening day—it is just that strong and chock full of expertise, insight and relevance.

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I bet many people would happily attend an event with just this group of speakers; at HR Tech, you not only get to wrap up your conference experience with them, but you also have a full week of events, sessions, workshops and, of course, the world-famous HR Tech Expo to take in.

I hope to see you at HR Tech this year, especially on Friday, as we finish the show with the best closing day in the history of our event!

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